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intestinal epithelial cell中文是什么意思

用"intestinal epithelial cell"造句"intestinal epithelial cell"怎么读"intestinal epithelial cell" in a sentence


  • 小肠上皮细胞


  • In vitro primary culture of rat intestinal epithelial cells
  • Toxic effect of ascaris lumbricoides body fluid on intestinal epithelial cells
  • Protective effect of shenfu injection on intestinal mucosal ischemia - reperfusion injury and intestinal epithelial cells at recovery phase in rats
  • Exosomes derived from human intestinal epithelial cell ( iec ) could be released from apical and basolateral sides and expressed mhc class i molecules , cd26 , cd63 in basal conditions besides mhc class ii in inflammatory conditions . the data showed exosomes might be a mechanism of oral tolerance . exosome - like vesicles isolated from rat iec line , which were pulsed by antigens , were shown to induce antigen - spec
    模型的建立和exosomes的分离与纯化我们利用一种c57bl / 6小鼠的3lllewis肺癌细胞系作模型,将3ll细胞皮下注射到c57bl / 6小鼠,待3周时无菌取出肿瘤组织,剪碎后用dmem加10 %的血清在37 , 5 %的czo中培养, 30小时后收集培养上清。
用"intestinal epithelial cell"造句  
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